we fought hard to vanquish the corporate hackathon in ages past but as prophecy has foretold they have returned—clawing back up from the depths of hell to claim many an unpaid hour of labor in service of insatiable marketing KPIs
we must unite, good and kindhearted developerspeople, against the balrog of corporate hackathons once more
@zachleat we shall rid the lands of the scourge of unpaid labor in exchange for the tyranny known as “swag”
@zachleat ‘tis the season
@zachleat unpaid? Yikes. Every time I was at a company that did an internal hackathon, it was a day or two during business hours.
@ardouglass not internal hackathons, hackathons as a marketing initiative for non-employees
@zachleat eww gross I forgot about those
@zachleat Those are even worse than internal weekend hackathons.
@zachleat absolutely. I am planning to have one next year as part of an internal event I'm planning, but only during office hours. It's more a "hej! We have some cool new apis for you to try - go wild!" and see what comes out of it. No expectations of outcome, there will also be workshops and networking and a chance for devs and business people to sit together.
If we can inspire them to want to take it back to their own team and work on it more - great!
—The pizza will flow!
(Cackles maniacally, there’s loud thundering & screaming in the background)
@wtrmt a burst of cloud and smoke just opened from a rift on the 50th floor, somewhere
@zachleat I just used them as an opportunity to make commercials. Even the shittiest to-do app would win a prize because no one else made a video. https://vimeo.com/134432234
@peruvianidol ahaha this is the way