️ New Article: Can I Use for accessibility https://ift.tt/q8yRmdI #WebDev #FrontEndDeveloper #100DaysOfCode #CodeNewbie

️ New Article: Can I Use for accessibility https://ift.tt/q8yRmdI #WebDev #FrontEndDeveloper #100DaysOfCode #CodeNewbie
A must read for web developers: "Who's Afraid of a Hard Page Load?" https://unplannedobsolescence.com/blog/hard-page-load/ #webdev #webdevelopment #spa #ux #browsers
Hey #WebDev and #Web people.
Is there a canonical way of conveying that a localized page has a language-neutral permalink?
E.g. /en/about‘s language-neutral permalink is /about, and /de/über is /über, but /über or /about would redirect with JS to /de/über or /en/about (or manually by clicking a target language link).
So UserLanguage=en encountering /über would be redirected to /en/about.
"Classless.css" is a new lightweight #CSS framework with “zero desire to add classes”.
I know a few of these exist, and this one looks nice. Probably good for rapid prototyping or simple blogs.
Why is my pseudo-element not working? It should work. It has size, position, display, etc. Hmm…
Oh, I didn’t specify content: ""
Anywho, I’m gonna go into a fetal position and cry now…
New Video: Episode 156 - Structuring functions https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UGqtioY4myk #WebDev #FrontEndDeveloper #100DaysOfCode #CodeNewbie
Hi, mastodon I have a new article out!
A Deep Dive into the Inline Background Overlap Problem: https://frontendmasters.com/blog/overlapping-inline-backgrounds/
How do you get the below result (semi-transparent background on inline span) with large padding & no overlap?
Answer in article, but think a bit about it first.
New Video: WTF is the CSS :is() pseudo-class!?! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hKGX1jRpp6I #WebDev #FrontEndDeveloper #100DaysOfCode #CodeNewbie
️ New Article: Reducing CSS complexity with the :is() pseudo-class https://ift.tt/QFgSdMH #WebDev #FrontEndDeveloper #100DaysOfCode #CodeNewbie
Ever wanted to get the number of auto-fit columns in CSS?
--u: 5em;
grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fit, minmax(var(--u), 1fr))
It's now possible! Using registered #CSS vars, the tan division hack and container query units! Here's a little test on @codepen:
Because I saw a @codepen demo creating a hex grid using my well over a decade old nested and reverted transforms technique to get the shape + MQs...
Here's a super simple modern #CSS grid + clip-path + mathematical functions responsive version with no breakpoints https://codepen.io/thebabydino/pen/QwWQqeR
️ New Article: Unwieldy code bases https://ift.tt/edU9x0T #WebDev #FrontEndDeveloper #100DaysOfCode #CodeNewbie
@argyleink @smashingmag I'll be there... Looking forward to it!
️ New Article: Kipo and the Age of the Wonderbeasts https://ift.tt/i7RKaWy #WebDev #FrontEndDeveloper #100DaysOfCode #CodeNewbie
It's starts with a div not being centered anymore, it ends with the corruption of the entire server.
If you’re in the mood for celebrations today, check out @frontenddogma’s anniversaries archives!
️ New Article: My code is broken (and I don't know why) https://ift.tt/Unylsj4 #WebDev #FrontEndDeveloper #100DaysOfCode #CodeNewbie
Hey #webdev bubble - can any of y'all recommend resources to learn about accessibility?
I'm aware of the WCAG guidelines as the "golden standard", but I'm looking for something more bite sized / approachable than 75 pages of raw paragraphs and rules
Boosts welcome!