Added a `text` attribute to the <snow-fall> web component (v1.0.3+). Now you can add any emoji character you might want (maybe , maybe a
Get <snow-fall> for your web site:
(Idea inspired by
@zachleat I love custom attributes! I had someone suggest that one-word attributes are more vulnerable to future web platform collisions than two-or-more word ones (like WC naming conventions themselves).
ie instead of `[text]`, something like `[sf-text]` or `[icon-text]`
I'm not consistent with this myself, but thought I'd mention it as a point of discussion!
@cferdinandi ooh, that’s a good idea! I will keep that in mind for next time!
@zachleat @cferdinandi a few weeks ago I suggested being consistent about namespacing custom attributes like that. It seemed to be a nonstarter with your colleague (who I won’t drag in here :) ) for the very reasonable reason that it can get very verbose
@mikemai2awesome animate some shit
@zachleat I love the snow-fall web component!! Thanks for creating it.
We are already using it on
@misteroom wow that site looks great! nice work!
@zachleat that's super nice
@zachleat Very nice! I love that the Tech Arsehole of the Year website inspired you to add this update.
@zachleat increasing the festivity levels with Santa emojis.