9 y/o tried to say that I was middle aged but instead said that I was from the Middle Ages
@zachleat he is not wrong. it's all relative
@ferrata einstein was right about one thing
@zachleat two things can be true
@ernie I’m aging pretty well for 525 years old
@zachleat You were probably born in the late 1900s
@luis_in_brief only about 400–500 years too late
@zachleat just preparing you for the other ways your kids can age you.
My nephew, singing along to They Might Be Giants: “Even [mumble] New York…”
My son: “Old New York. Old, like my dad.”
@luis_in_brief kids know where all of the kryptonite is buried
@zachleat not too far off TBH
@cferdinandi EXCUSE ME
@zachleat @cferdinandi ye olde eleventy
@zachleat We're basically the same age, ye olde friend! Don't you remember harvesting wheat for the lord of our village when we were kids? Or the tortured sounds of computers screaming in pain as we connected them to the internet?
@cferdinandi @zachleat @fimion *laughs and cries in Neolithic era* let me tell you about the time fire was invented youngins…
@cferdinandi I remember those screams fondly …wait
@zachleat Honestly... I do genuinely feel some nostalgia for that!
@zachleat felt that in my medieval bones
@jgarber knights of the 1×1 pixel GIF rounded corner table
@zachleat good day tis i king arthritis and this is my sword excruciating
@jgarber “king arthritis” is *gold*
@eeeps we’re only navigating software moats now
@jabronus I can’t stop laughing at the idea that humans never existed in the 1800s
@zachleat well when you're telling your kids about the pandemic of 2020 it probably feels like learning about the middle ages in history class.
@chris_hayes some days the current year feels like 2016 and those are not the good days