in my house we can print 3D in 4 different colors but only one color in 2D
@zachleat just wait until you get a look at hueforge.
@zachleat imagine 2D printing... but FDM extruded filaments. Do you know what transmission distance is? If not you will.
@edm00se first of all—I can only handle so many rabbit holes
(but this looks incredible)
@zachleat I feel that pain.
@zachleat speaking of, if you're looking for things to print, I recommend:
- TippiTree (paid, worth it, supports a guy who does lots of 3d printing community stuff)
- balance Tetris (free, also fun with kids, watch your wall to top/bottom thickness for the printed d6 so it's not weighted one way)
- board game inserts for managing those that have too cluttered storage
@edm00se tippitree looks awesome too! You’ve been cooking in this space for awhile huh
@zachleat for a hot minute. Been pretty happy that the collective space has been trending more towards use and away from maintenance and tinkering.
@zachleat I've done a few myself. It's always impressive technically. It sounds like you have an AMS, so thankfully the usual concern about excessive waste is minimized somewhat since you're usually only going so many layers high.