every time someone says that a web site “feels fast” you must append “on my device” to the statement and a dollar must be placed in the works-on-my-machine jar
we must *measure* web performance and not rely on how things *feel*—what are we even doing, y’all
this feels like the silliest most mundane thing to say
@zachleat feels good man
@bw the vibes are on point
@zachleat Imagine if real engineers were like “yeah this bridge feels sturdy to me, ship it.”
@bw I ran 100 sports cars over the bridge so it should handle semi-trucks just fine
@bw @zachleat you mean like the ancient Roman bridge engineers many of whose bridges still exist today and carry car weights that were unthinkable when these bridges were designed? https://youtu.be/K0PA_hX8fVs
@kolya @bw it’s wild that roman bridge building is cited directly on the history of mathematics wikipedia page https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_mathematics