I’m at #WebUnleashed today! I have a few original @eleventy stickers with me, if you can find me
@nickytonline @eleventy yeah! I am looking forward to their talk tomorrow! Great topic!
@nickytonline @eleventy wait I’m on a panel with them today!!
@zachleat ...and if you have a problem
and no-one else can help
maybe you can hire
the 11-team
@westbrook @eleventy wait no (is this a reference to something )
@zachleat @westbrook @eleventy I'm assuming this is a "Where's Waldo" reference
@keithamus @zachleat @westbrook @eleventy
No. At least not where im from in freedom land.
@konnorrogers @keithamus @westbrook @eleventy tabs are better than spaces
@zachleat @konnorrogers @westbrook @eleventy are tabs metric or imperial?
@zachleat @keithamus @westbrook @eleventy
This is just a fact.
@konnorrogers @keithamus @zachleat @eleventy Or in Toronto, where I think Waldo (Zach) actually is right now...
@westbrook @konnorrogers @keithamus @eleventy sometimes you write docs, sometimes you get docs’d …wait
@konnorrogers @keithamus @zachleat @westbrook @eleventy soz but it's a British book by an English illustrator. Take your seagull sounding eagle out of here.