Wow, that WP Engine cease and desist is *next level* drama. Looks like Matt Mullenweg texted them to negotiate a fee or he would blow up their spot in his talk at WordCamp. WordPress community, fasten your seatbealts.
It’s giving late-stage silicon valley when the cease and desists are flying back and forth
PDF Link:
Shockwaves are hitting developers now as Matt appears to have disabled WP Engine’s access to the WordPress plugin repository
(via @collinsworth)
@zachleat @collinsworth kinda glad I just finished my WP CLI >> 11ty 3.0 beta pipeline.
@dogwonder @collinsworth nice! I heard 11ty was good
@zachleat @dogwonder Hmmm maybe but I don't really trust open-source software unless there's an unhinged dictator or an evil corporation behind it. (Ideally both.)
@collinsworth @dogwonder makes sense—apropos of nothing what do you know about Rails
@zachleat @collinsworth @dogwonder Well at least Rails has a Foundation now which can transparently manage any trademark dispu—
@jaredwhite @collinsworth @dogwonder no one has an exclusive license on screaming though (IANAL)