Wow, that WP Engine cease and desist is *next level* drama. Looks like Matt Mullenweg texted them to negotiate a fee or he would blow up their spot in his talk at WordCamp. WordPress community, fasten your seatbealts.
It’s giving late-stage silicon valley when the cease and desists are flying back and forth
PDF Link:
Shockwaves are hitting developers now as Matt appears to have disabled WP Engine’s access to the WordPress plugin repository
(via @collinsworth)
@zachleat I just read about this! I mean the guy has his name in the company's name, so you know there's some serious ego there, but holy pepperoni, that's just… something else.
@zachleat More to the point, what sort of type setting is this?
@ohmrun lawyers get paid for each typeface they can fit into their letterhead
@zachleat Holy smokes! Looks like Automatic is trying to shake down WP Engine for some moola
@dvsk whew—it does look like that!
This one reads particularly petty and lacking substance. Oof.
@joshuaiz yeahhhhhhh—big oof, indeed.
@zachleat I guess all hosting companies should remove any mention of WordPress from their sites? I think Matt has maybe lost the plot here.
@gavinanderegg it’s okay to selectively (and on a 14-year delay) enforce a trademark against only one of your competitors, right?
@zachleat This is all very cool and normal.
@cthos super good open ecosystem vibes all around
We are literally about to launch a client site in 2 days time on WP Engine (though we do manage plugins ourselves in version control)
@zachleat @collinsworth The website launch on WP Engine went fine, though I did have to inform our client of this legal wrangling nonsense
@simonrjones @collinsworth whew, that must be a relief!
@zachleat @collinsworth yikes — if i were using wordpress i would be absolutely scrambling to migrate away right now.
@zachleat @collinsworth kinda glad I just finished my WP CLI >> 11ty 3.0 beta pipeline.
@dogwonder @collinsworth nice! I heard 11ty was good
@zachleat @dogwonder Hmmm maybe but I don't really trust open-source software unless there's an unhinged dictator or an evil corporation behind it. (Ideally both.)
@collinsworth @dogwonder makes sense—apropos of nothing what do you know about Rails
@zachleat @collinsworth @dogwonder Well at least Rails has a Foundation now which can transparently manage any trademark dispu—
@jaredwhite @collinsworth @dogwonder no one has an exclusive license on screaming though (IANAL)
@dogwonder @zachleat @collinsworth smart, move! Leaving WordPress for a static site generator is one of the best moves I ever made.
@zachleat @collinsworth
The whole debacle is giving Main Character energy.
@zachleat @collinsworth I feel like there is an eleventy toot in here somewhere.
"See how we don't block our competitors? Very mindful, very demure..."
@zachleat @collinsworth this is why you never give senior staff write priv on the repo ;)
@zachleat @collinsworth It doesn't only appear like that, Matt posted it in the open:
"WP Engine no longer has free access to’s resources."
IMO this is not reducing trust in WPEngine but WordPress as a whole and I can't imagine what this mess will lead to...