New post:
The Good, The Bad, The Web Components
A full crash course on the state of web components, where they fit in JavaScript frameworks landscape, and how to make use of them moving forward!
@zachleat The “h-i” slide cracks me up.
@khalidabuhakmeh we do what we must
@zachleat Great post. I’d like to see the aspirational idea you have come to fruition.
The biggest issue with web component approaches, even the good ones like WebC, is that they still require a build step. This limits them to folks who are comfortable with JS build chains.
I want to spread the love to Django, ASP.NET, Laravel, Rails, and all future web frameworks.
@khalidabuhakmeh @zachleat the aspirational ideal is literally how Enhance works. You define your template in a function and then it is expanded into light DOM custom elements by the SSR piece.
We’d love to bring Enhance SSR to other languages so if you are interested in submitting PR’s we’d be happy to work on that with you.
@macdonst @khalidabuhakmeh ah to be clear I mean that I want the aspirational idea to be a first-party platform feature.
@zachleat @khalidabuhakmeh Same! I think we need to rally around declarative custom elements since it is too late to change the web component apis.
@khalidabuhakmeh Is there no render step on the server you can tap into?