Am I finally going back and publishing my backlog of web components to my web site? Yes, yes I am. Here’s another:
A heavy-handed portmanteau of squirmy and terminal. This one progressively reveals any arbitrary HTML content.
And a lesson on when server rendering is not optimal, actually
@zachleat you mentioned it works with JavaScript, but not in web component form, right? With JS disabled it doesn't load anything, unfortunately. That's the main thing stopping me from going all-in on web components right now, and I'm not sure if it's “fixable”
@fantinel a couple of muddled terms there, but this is what it looks like on the demo without JS (it just shows the content).
@zachleat oh sweet! I think I had opened the "Queued Code" page instead
This is nice! Am I right in assuming that the web component isn't loading at all and is just behaving like a container div?
@fantinel correct!
@fantinel you’re right that the queuecode demo doesn’t work without JS —although I think that’s a bug and not a technical limitation
@zachleat whatever it was, seems you fixed it!