can you believe this guy was recommending icon fonts in 2010
(I believe my very first web font blog post )
@zachleat dont you dare look at my 2003 posts.
@raymondcamden well now I have to
@zachleat Don’t feel too bad. 2010 was weird anyways. At least you weren’t wearing a dress made of meat. :P
@khalidabuhakmeh I would but the wildlife around here might have other ideas
@zachleat i remember once i wrote a post about using gifs as fonts back in 98 - i though it was clever af
<td><img src="img/n.gif"></td>
<td><img src="img/o.gif"></td>
<td><img src="img/p.gif"></td>
<td><img src="img/e.gif"></td>
So young to fooolish
im pretty sure i did worse later ;)
@mortendk is it still online!??! I want to see
@zachleat nope dont Think so i have to find a zip drive somewhere in the basement - Damn why didnt We have github back then
@zachleat I remember when I gave a presentation about using Flash to get fancy fonts on the web. We came a long way :)
@zachleat every day is a wingding road
@lawnsea like, sheryl crow, subscribe
@zachleat At least it was 2010. I3 years later present day and I'm evangelizing "anything other than" to clients. ;-)