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If you're exporting your Birdsite Archive, consider using something like @eleventy to return it to the Internet. There's no knowing how long Musk will leave the data as we know them up...


When is the last time I told you, you're the GOAT? Seriously, man, you are. Do me a favor and relax over the holidays? The past year was a flurry of "damn, 11ty is getting better and better," even heroes need rest.


@mikka hah! Appreciate it—happy to be doing what I love over here ❤️ but yes I do need a bit of time off too 🙌🏻


Done! (I guess I'll take the "starter project" part seriously and turn it into something a little more Mikka-style whenever I don't feel like playing WoW or am traveling.)


mikka.mdmedimikka’s Twitter ArchiveA read-only indieweb self-hosted archive of medimikka’s tweets.