@inkyvoxel @eleventy did some cool almost transactional stuff with @buttondown for #11tyConf tickets https://github.com/search?q=repo%3A11ty%2F11ty-conf%20buttondown&type=code

@inkyvoxel @eleventy did some cool almost transactional stuff with @buttondown for #11tyConf tickets https://github.com/search?q=repo%3A11ty%2F11ty-conf%20buttondown&type=code
@cferdinandi seeing your talk at #11tyConf made clear what a great teacher you are, so I think that’d be great content! That said, I don’t generally sit and watch coding videos, so maybe I wouldn’t be in the audience most of the time.
Full time Eleventy Weekly Update №1:
Working on `11ty/eleventy` (core) this past week, long overdue issue triage.
Notable improvements to custom template syntaxes and removing a few `addExtension` limitations.
Working on official TypeScript, MDX, and JSX template syntax pages on the docs
inspired by @pauleveritt’s #11tyConf talk.
Closed 24 issues on `11ty/eleventy`. Total count reduced from 488 to 466.
Finally got my #11tyConf swag. They were stuck in the customs (because of me) until now.
Now that I'm back home I'm excited to look at all of the #11tyconf talks that I missed
Published my #11tyConf talk on my web site (as one does):
Hints and Suggestions @mia #11tyConf 2024
the origins of our resilient web, and why the #CSS #cascade IS awesome
It looks as if the videos of the #11tyconf are prepared and published.
thanks a ton for this work.
@eleventy @hi_mayank
I am assuming there was a slight delay on the video feed as a few times during the day the captions were a word ahead of the video!
Or… the whole thing was all scripted…
But in all seriousness, the caption team were fantastic!
All of the #11tyConf talk videos are now published on YouTube (and in a playlist): https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLwhCq3ZFGOGgetCSWisU2pkl9AFwQVxWJ
(Each talk page on the conf.11ty.dev web site has a link to the respective video too)
i really respect that #11tyconf conf had speaker honorariums, despite being a free event.
it's super important for conferences to compensate all speakers, who spend dozens (sometimes hundreds) of hours preparing their talks.
personally, i chose to have my honorarium be donated to open source projects that i think need it more than me (namely @openwebdocs, @servo, @OddBird, and @vite)
ran across some old brainstorming notes for the name of the conference and laughed at one of the ideas:
This conference could have been an email
New video: 11ty Conference (2024) Break Slideshow: Personal Sites Montage
New blog post: An organizer’s retrospective on the 11ty Conference
A small look at what goes into organizing an inaugural online conference, including a detailed budget rundown.
Absolutely loved Ivan Zhao's talk on Chinese type systems at #11tyconf. The 天天向上 poster in the examples section is stunning
Ever since @pauleveritt's #11tyConf talk and tutorial series, I've been tinkering to take some of those ideas a couple of steps further.
The first step is adding front matter validation to TSX layouts in #Eleventy 3 using #Zod.
If you haven't, go watch the talk by @mia in the #11tyconf . It's really amazing and thought provoking.
Not sure how many people read to the end of articles these days, but I have to say I was quite pleased with my final paragraph ;)
"Perhaps it’s that feeling of being subversive — kicking against the platform pricks — and going back to our roots as a web developer community that has led to the Eleventy Renaissance. All I can say is: vive la résistance!"
Eleventy is an act of rebellion against the dark forces driving today’s internet, said its creator @zachleat at #11tyConf. Also at the lively event, we discovered that @eleventy does scale! https://thenewstack.io/static-sites-do-scale-eleventy-vs-next-js-at-11ty-event/ #WebDev