I keep going back and forth about my website. I don't really have the desire to move my blog away from WordPress (if it ain't broke...), but there are many things _around_ my blog I want to handle outside of WordPress. Trying to figure out the most elegant ways to do that.
@brad_frost This is how meyerweb.com is run; my way to do that is everything outside WP is static files with SSIs for header/footer inclusion, plus the occasional PHP page where I need some kind of local computation. It’s kind of soothing to open up an SFTP client (Transmit for me) and just edit stuff directly, honestly.
@Meyerweb @brad_frost following this thread as I'm in the exact same boat. I've been wanting to convert over to #eleventy (to be like the cool kids) but the process is far from trivial (if you're not a front end engineer). At the same time, there are things I'd like to try outside of WP.
ATM, I just upload static files to orphaned URLs which works but isn't integrated with the site (obviously)
@scottjenson @Meyerweb @brad_frost (I’m working on the WordPress to Eleventy pipeline problem right now)
@zachleat @scottjenson @Meyerweb @brad_frost LMK if you’re interested in comparing notes, I’ve been neck deep in a WP project and my own 11ty site simultaneously, so I’ve got… some thoughts :D
@eaton I am super interested! Can we chat?
@zachleat absolutely. i’m heading to. Conf on thursday, but sometime before then or starting next week would work well!